It may be time for you to explore getting a Government Grant so you can get those credit card bills paid off. Every year the Government will give away a certain amount of money. The money they give away is in the form of a grant and there can be many different categories that they have such as debt. If you think that you are in a situation where your only options is to get a Government Grant then you need to apply. Most of the Grant money that is given out is based on the person need of the money and also their ability to pay back a loan. If the need is great and they can not get a loan then usually you will qualify.
If you get into a situation where you have too many credit card bills and you find that you just can not pay them you will go into default. The worse thing about it is your credit score will suffer and you will also get many calls on your phone demanding you pay them as soon as possible.
The best thing to do it to get a Government Grant to pay off all your Debt.