Make a promise to yourself that any and all extra money you come by should be devoted towards debt reduction, irrespective of how small an amount might be.?? As soon as you receive a cash gift for Christmas, your birthday, graduation, wedding, etc, use it immediately to kick your debt to the curb.
If you receive a federal income tax refund each year, it should be sent straight towards your debt ladder.?? As the average tax refund is almost 2 thousand dollars, if you devote the entire money towards your debts it will certainly knock off one or two of your smaller debts.?? ??
Pick up some extra hours at work. Its true that working overtime is no fun; rather its an unpleasant idea as during this time you'll hardly ever see your family and you'll have no free time. However, keep in mind, its temporary, once you are debt free, you can drop the extra hours. But until then, work for additional hours and place all of the extra money you earn, towards paying down your bills. ??
A part time job or side work will help you in this regard. Identify your field of interests like figure out what skills, assets and equipments you already have, that can be utilized for business purpose. This could be anything like landscaping, mechanics, painting, accounting, tutoring, etc.?? In case you lack formal training for any such professional skills, then try your hands on babysitting, pet sitting, cleaning houses, mowing lawns, etc. Go off bit and explore new ideas to earn money. ??
Have a quick look around your place and see if you have any possessions that you dont require or want any more. Certainly you will discover some old vehicles, ATVs, boats, guns, sporting equipment are sitting on your attics idly because you have already replaced with their newer versions. Sell these items and use the money to pay off your debt. Please remember, selling stuff doesn't necessarily mean only big items either. You can collect all of the junk you can find around the house, and arrange for a garage sale. You have the option to sell the stuff on Ebay as well.?? Take a little time to go through Ebay and once you get familiar with what kind of thing exactly sell and don't sell in e-bay, buy things at a cheap discounted rate and then sell them at E-bay.?? Make sure you go to every garage sale, estate sale, block sale, flea market, Goodwill store, Salvation Army store, and resale shop to sell your excess items as well.
To conclude follow the aforementioned points and earn extra money to get rid of your debt sooner than before.
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